Saturday, January 9, 2010

Airbrushing cow skulls artist Uber Spoony G #4

Hoooo yeah! Here you go western art fans I have a particularly intriguing art project from the furtile mind of the "Man with the Hand",Spoony G

Custom airbrushing cow skulls as a studio painter and graphic artist is a whole new ball of wax for you fellow artist out hang around me and I'll flex the boundaries of airbrushing in ways you dont see done, like I do, on this world wide web.....least ways, not done with my particular variety of style!!

This project was difficult in the way of, painting around such a large interestingly shaped object and getting good adhesion of paint and line work on such a highly calcified surface....not easy, but a real thrill when it starts coming together and you can hear the coyotes howling in your favor. These bone skulls seem to never
stop dropping little creatures, so keep a shop-vac nearby. Rest assured that I am a qualified artesian with decades of skills under my not attempt these projects with out a partner....or a strait-j
acket...cause they surely will mak
e you lose your mind.

My one of a kind or made to specific order art projects are available at or any near-by space coliseum for the mentally flexible and kismet warrior type artist.

Also check out my other persona as a....
Fledgling semi-master airbrush cake decorator at the site of now thats delicious art!!

F.Y.I: Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to fellow the talent to the dark place where it leads. Erica Jong

1 comment:

Fay Millar said...

The skulls are amazing Gordie! I can imagine how difficult it is to airbrush on a rough, uneven surface like that. Do you freehand most of your stuff?